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Friday, April 3, 2009


Behold we have arrived at a salient juncture in time where the condition of the economy in the USA, and evidently that of the world, has been dominating the news. Why? The economy has always existed and its importance has always been paramount yet we have not given to it anything close to this much attention. At least, not recently. Turbulence hits the upper echelons of the economic hierarchy and ripples and shock waves are felt globally - maybe even artificially intensified by media coverage and distortion thereof. "Hey, it's chaotic at the top what are we going to do? There's going to be massive job loss."
So in the wake of the collapse of some financial institutions, many of which have been grossly mismanaged or better: deceptively managed, media coverage has been a constant. In fact the only thing that seems to be constant is media coverage. Also, a previously unknown fact is ever evident: Everyone is an economist or an economic advisor. There are shows on topics such as: "How to survive on less in a troubled economy" (The Today Show); "How to cope when both parents are unemployed" (N.P.R.); etc., etc. There is no shortage of shows with economic advice in this "tough economy": "What happens when stay-at-home-moms go back to the job market?" (N.P.R.)
STOP! Here is the real news: Many of these conditions are nothing new. From time immemorial the so-called underclass in this country and around the world have had to cope with the reality of economic privation. The option to be a stay-at-home-mom has never existed. The "underclass" exists and thrives within the perimeters of their destitute reality. Frankly, I have spoken with many who feel unaffected by this "economic recession". Economic crisis.... hmmm.... This has always been the personal reality of the underprivileged many.
So maybe, just maybe, these new economic conditions are the great equalizers - alterations, shifts and modifications that will bring about a shared sense of community, solidarity and responsibility among the different economic classes. Maybe this is "an era of turbulence and change". Maybe this is time when the vices of avarice, gluttony, selfishness and excess will be neutralized, albeit somewhat, by this new spirit. Maybe this is a time when the realization of the importance of family and being my brother's keeper will change the hearts of men for better.
My sentiments are not meant to make light of the gravity of our current situation neither am I oblivious of its many complexities. There are many perspectives connected to our solemn plight and there are numerous stories to be told. This is one of them.



It's important in life to reach out, to strive for greater achievements, to go for that greener grass that is on the other side of the fence.

But one must always be careful......................

And when you find yourself over-extended and you're stuck in a situation that you can't get out of, there is one thing you should always remember...............

Not everyone who shows up ...............


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