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Monday, March 1, 2010


What is all of this hot air about Jay Leno? They say that Jay treated Conan unfairly; they say that Jay is selfish; they say and say and say. Who cares? There is one main issue here - ratings. Ratings equals dollars. If Conan wanted to keep the spot or if he feels like he was treated unfairly... tough! Conan is not hosting The Tonight Show anymore because he did not deliver. So all of this act about him demonizing Jay and ranting about how he was treated only amounts to insincerity on his part. Leno is back in the slot because he has a record of having delivered. This is a fact that NBC executives must consider when making any decisions. The facts are the facts. Jay, it's great having you back on a show that you love and did not willingly leave in the first place. NBC executives, what a skillful way to create an avoidable mess. Conan, you need only look in the mirror to find the true reason why you have been replaced. Get over it!

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